Thursday 21 January 2016

Bibbulmun Track (Camel Farm to Golden View Lookout)

Bibbulmun Track is one of the longest walking trail in Western Australia, starting from Kalamunda and stretching all the way across Albany. The trail is 1000 kms and, from what I have read, it would take about 6-8 weeks to complete the whole journey on foot. However, you can do short walks and choose different starting points to begin with. All you have to do, then, is follow the yellow triangular signposts with a snake on it. This will be a reminder that you are on the right track. As you go along you will come across bushes, forests and several amazing views.

We started our walk from Calammunnda Camel Farm, in Paulls Valley, on the 24 of May 2015. There is no entry fee to the farm and you will be welcomed by an animal farm- goats, goose, chickens, emu, and camels. You can buy some camel food to feed the camels or even ride them for a fee. There is also a tea room and toilet facilities.
For more information, please refer to their website:

So, as we began our journey, we follow the trail inside the park, and the signposts. We started at 11.00. a.m and returned at around 3:30.p.m, with a lunch break in between, of course. It was quite a leisurely walk and the weather was good as well. We also spotted a mama kangaroo and its joey. 

After several hours, we started to feel famished and the pain as the path stretches on and on. We were fortunately soon rejoiced, after reaching the South Ledge picnic area where we had our lunch. Being revitalised, we then walked to the Golden View Lookout, which provided us with a breathtaking view over Mundaring Weir and Helena River Valley.

Soon after, we began our walk back to the farm. This appeared very long, but as in any usual walks, the way back was faster than the way to. We picked up all of our strength and with all of our energy left, we manage to return safe and sound. 

Notes and tips:
-There is no water all along the track, so do bring enough water to hydrate yourself.
-We did come across a camp site, Hewett's Hill, with picnic table and a restroom.
-I wore my normal running shoes, but do use hiking boots if you do have them since there are some rocky slippery parts.
-Use hiking poles for more stability or grab any strong stick along the way to ease the walk
-Bring some band-aids and antiseptic, just in case.

For more information on the Bibbulmun Track, please refer to the below website:

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