About me

Hi there and welcome to my blog !

I am a 20-ish girl, currently residing in Perth, Western Australia. Over the last year, I have started a walking journey with my family, visiting new places, along the way. There are plenty of places you only come across by walking, either bush walks, trails or other paths. I was made aware of this last year, after discovering so many places by foot. This was not only an opportunity to get out of the house, exercise, and spend time together with family, but also to get closer to nature and be reminded of the gifts of mother nature. 

I am, hereby, sharing the places I have been and hopefully inspire a few to start walking and discover these amazing places. Well, of course, this blog is not only about walking, but also a travel diary (referring to the title). So you shall get a glimpse of my journey too. 

Well, I shall leave here with a quote from Dr Seuss' book 'Oh, the Places You'll go':
"Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!"

Thank you for stopping by :)

For a list of places I have travelled, please click on my travel lists here.
To visit my food blog, please click here.

Cheers and happy viewing :)

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