Friday 22 April 2016

Canning River Regional Park

Canning River Regional Park stretches along the Canning River and is a beautiful place to have a leisurely walk, a picnic or a barbeque. It is incredible how this park is just around 5 minutes away from where I live and I just came across it the other day, looking for new places to visit.

We first went there on Easter Monday and it proved to be a delight. We were, obviously, not the only one having this idea, as many people were spending their afternoon there. Some were having picnics, others were canoeing or just having some fun time.  The park is very green and has several walk trails ranging from 1.5 to 4 kms.  There is a cafe and several public facilities, including a kids' playground. Parking is available near Kent Street. 

On our walk, we were welcomed the beautiful scenery across the river. The walk trail is very well maintained and the changing landscape is awesome. I loved walking across some many different bridges. There is just something so special about bridges. I saw my first dragonfly and there were many of them along the river. 

Beside the park, there is a miniature train station - Castledare Miniature Railways. It hosts the Wilson Park station and it operates on a 3-weekly Sunday basis. It was not at the time we went, but I would gladly like to hop on one on day. 

It was certainly an enjoyable walk and place to visit. 

For more information, please refer to below websites:
Walk trail map:

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