Saturday 6 February 2016

Lesmurdie Falls National Park

Lesmurdie Falls is located in Lesmurdie, in the Perth Hills. There are two lookout platforms, offering stunning views over the coastal plains, Perth City and the fall.

The park has several trails including going down to the foot of the fall (starting from Falls Road), or vice versa, i.e, starting from the foot of fall (from Palm Terrace) and go up. We did the former, and went down to the foot of the waterfall. We then went up using a shortcut path, which is faster, but slightly rockier and spikier. 

As you start your walk from the top, you come across the viewing platforms where you can appreciate the beautiful scenery that the city, the top of the fall as well as the foot offer. It is amazing to look at all the vegetation, wildlife and buildings.

The first time I went to Lesmurdie Falls goes way back. It is probably the first time I went on a walk trail. I was very amazed  by the gorgeous view of the fall and the city at that time. I clearly remember having a hard time walking up on the way back though, since I was not well geared.

The Falls trail is about 2 kilometres, so it does not long to go up and down (about 2-3 hours max). However the paths can be slippery, once you reached the bottom due to the rocks. It is not too challenging though if you wear proper shoes.

There are picnic tables at both car park areas.  We were lucky to spot a bandicoot as we were having a rest on one of them. Toilets are located at the top of the falls (Falls Road car park).

For more information:

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