Wednesday 22 June 2016

Serpentine Falls

Serpentine Falls is a national park located in the southeast of Perth. While the biggest interest lies with the fall itself, I reckon the landscape was pretty amazing and the views gorgeous. 

There are several trails in the park. We decided to go for the Kitty Gorge's trail to begin with. I really enjoyed walking along the different scenery. The trail was not too challenging in terms of slippery and rocky paths, but still be careful where you put your feet. The hardest part was definitely at the beginning with a tough uphill, but after it is pretty much flat surface. Once you reached the top, you can have a glance of the fall, with the turquoise water.

Along the path, we came across lot of greenery and picturesque views on the hills. My uncle did spot a tiny snake while we were walking, but luckily it hid away soon after. I wish I saw it. 

We kept walking and walking for a few hours or so before realising we missed the trail sign and kept on going in the wrong direction. We did see it on the way back. Also,we got to see a hole in a tree, which had similar resemblance to Grandma Willow from Pocahontas. It was very random indeed. 

After we returned from our walk, we went to visit the fall. It says that the water is untreated, but there were still many people having a swim. I enjoyed getting my feet wet, felt so good after the long walk. 

On the way back, we were lucky enough to spot a few kangaroos. Overall, it was a great day spent. It was tiring but I did enjoy this short trip.

There is a car entrance fee and there is a limited number of cars permitted to access during the day, so better go early.

For more information:

Saturday 14 May 2016

Mettam's Pool (Trigg Beach)

Mettam's Pool is located in the North of Perth, in North Beach. It is an awesome beach to check out. It stretches along a vast area. I was told that if you come in the evening, there is chance of spotting an array of fishes close to the shore. This includes sting rays. I have only seen them from afar at Hamelin Bay, and close at the aquarium. 

We went there in the afternoon and stayed till sunset. It is one of the rare times you get to enjoy the waves crashing against the shore, watch the peaceful scenery and leisurely walk on the sand bare-feet. 

Assisting at the sun setting down was amazing. It reminded me of The Little Prince's reference to sunset. Sunsets are truly beautiful. There is so much serenity in witnessing the sun fading away and away across the sea and while it happens everyday, it is sad that we only pay attention and look closely once in a while. However when the opportunity comes, seize it and appreciate the beauty of small things. 

Sunday 8 May 2016

Centenary Park

Centenary Park is located in Belmont and is a nice park to have a short walk. The footpath runs along a lake and the park offers several facilities including BBQ facilities, exercise equipment and a playground. 

It also has several features including duck sculptures along the path and random facts marked at different intervals.

We also came across several wildlife including two Rainbow Lorikeets perching on some flowering Eucalyptus trees. Needless to add, there were also many ducks. 

For more information:

Woodman Point Ammo Jetty

Woodman Point regional park is located in the City of Cockburn and runs along the coastline. It accommodates a recreational park with playground and Bbq areas, a jetty for fishing and footpaths for bushwalking. There are several parking spots, but we chose the one next to the park, which gives quick access to the jetty.

It is a perfect place for a picnic or an afternoon walk, or both. Fishing amateurs would definitely find this place to their liking. The jetty was crowded with people fishing till late night. I enjoyed watching the glowing baits in the dark. At night, light along Garden Island flashes and shimmers in the dark. It was very pleasant to watch. 

We started our walk from the ammo jetty to the headland. Along the path, we came across stunning views along the beach and the reserve. The path is well-built,  which makes walking easy. The path took us to the other side, offering an equally amazing sight. There were also several para-gliders on that day. 

It was certainly a great place to discover. I was surprised to see so many people going fishing. The pelicans were also having a lot of fun flying around.

For more information:

Friday 22 April 2016

Severin Walk

Severin Walk is located in Belmont and stretches along a waterway. It is secretly enclosed in between buildings. It is hard to believe such a place exists in the midst of all the surroundings. Walking along the trail seems like entering a magical place. It felt like we have set foot off the Earth Planet and walk into a different universe. 

I really enjoyed the peaceful walk. There were several random flowers and plants, coupled with nice views along the path. We stumbled across few bridges- all different. This seems to add to the magic feel, just like everytime you come across another bridge, you are stepping into a different part of this world. The below plant weirdly had some bird's features, with the beak and eye and the building looks very old and unlike any I have seen before.

Overall, it was a short walk, but definitely a peculiar one. We also spotted a rainbow as we finished our walk. 

Mary Carroll Park

Mary Carroll Park is located in the City of Gosnells. It is meant to be a wetland, but when we went on the 10th of April, it was completely dry. It was a quiet and peaceful stroll along the paths, which offered nice views over the hills and surroundings.

It was quite a shock to see no water at all on the land. The area was very dry. It almost seemed like a walk through dessert, with the dried branches and soil. The wetland is seasonal and should hopefully filled up in Winter to welcome all the birds and wildlife.

It took us less than an hour to complete both circles by walk. The paths do accommodate for bikes as well. This was definitely a short and leisurely walk.

There are parking spots on Eudoria Street.

For more information: